
Metadata States Format

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LambdaBetterGrass metadata states files tells how the mod handles the block.

Metadata state files are placed in the assets/<namespace>/bettergrass/states/ directory, with <namespace> the namespace used by the block to handle (if the block identifier is minecraft:podzol then <namespace> will be minecraft).
Each state file is named after the block identifier and .json appended at the end, like resource pack block state files. For example, if the block identifier is minecraft:podzol then the file will be named podzol.json.


There's multiple type of metadata states:

  • grass - for specifying how grass-like blocks connect to each other
  • layer - for specifying how layer-like (like snow, moss carpets, etc.) blocks should be treated on the targeted block

The type field specifies the type used.

Metadata definition

  • data - The identifier of the metadata file, will apply this metadata file independently of the model variants.


  • variants - An object filed with fields corresponding to each of the variants.
    • <variant_string> - variant_string is a field with a name corresponding to the block model variant, for ex. grass blocks can be snowy=false or snowy=true, etc.
      • data - The identifier of the metadata file, will apply this metadata file depending on the model variants.

Not every variants need to have a metadata assigned.



  "type": "layer",
  "data": "minecraft:bettergrass/data/allium"

Grass block

  "type": "grass",
  "variants": {
    "snowy=false": {
      "data": "minecraft:bettergrass/data/grass_block"
    "snowy=true": {
      "data": "minecraft:bettergrass/data/snowy_grass_block"

Warped Nylium

  "type": "grass",
  "data": "minecraft:bettergrass/data/warped_nylium"